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Online Hypnotherapy

Welcome to Kokoro Hypnotherapy

Are you looking for
Deep Lasting Transformation?

Are You Curious to Know the 4-Word Question
That Could Immediately Shift Your Focus?

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Learn More About The 5-Day Challenge

Are You Emotionally Overwhelmed 

And Your Ready to let go of the past
and create your future?

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​Kokoro Hypnotherapy is on a mission to support families to let go of heavy emotions by rewriting the stories of their past through affordable online LIVE Group hypnotherapy. We help those who are stuck in the past to let go of heavy emotion so they can live fully and love freely with connection and passion to live their purpose!

Our vision is to inspire generational transformation for families all over the world so they can create the life they desire and not the one they fear through deep lasting PHOENIX transformation, Heart Body Mind and Soul- which is the Japanese meaning of Kokoro.

Our purpose is to teach principles of Life Mastery in our 5-Day Phoenix Challenge (like the LAW OF FOCUS) so our clients can own their OWN minds—empowering them to create the thoughts, images and emotions that shape their reality.

3-Stage Phoenix Transformation

Our program supports you on the journey from Victim to Creator by
guiding you through 3 Stages of Deep Lasting Transformation

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Discover the power of the 5-Day
Phoenix Challenge 

Our Approach

The Kokoro 4Rs Pattern

Unlike other transformation programs, our approach focuses on igniting the power of the subconscious mind to create the life you desire through creating intentional words, images, and emotions. The 4 Rs process allows us to acknowledge the painful realities of the past and let them go, as we then channel our renewed energy into envisioning new possibilities for the future.

​As we use the Kokoro 4 R's Pattern, we guide you on a journey that helps you recognize and remove beliefs that are not serving your greatest and highest good, then connect to the inner parts of yourself that allows you to reimagine the future you desire!

1. Recognize

Have you ever been bothered by an emotion but couldn't recognize exactly what it was? Often, we feel emotions or even physical pain in our bodies, but too often, we don't stop to learn from our experiences. The first of the 4 Rs helps you identify your emotions and their source.

​This inner conversation guides you to discover: Why are you feeling this way? Where is it coming from? And allow you to discover what you truly need. By bringing your feelings into the light, you open the door to deep understanding and growth.

2. Remove

What fears or doubts have you been carrying? How do you let go of what is holding you back? Many of us want to move on from the past, but how?

​After we guide you to recognize the root causes through hypnotherapy, removing old emotions becomes the next natural step of the emotional wave. This is effectively done by creating imagery that translates to the subconscious mind as powerful and potent.

3. Replace

What do you want instead of the emotion that is weighing you down? This phase of the session capitalizes on the map learned in the 5-Day Challenge. Here, we often use repetition of the core beliefs you genuinely need and desire.

In the meditative subconscious state, your mind is more able to absorb the truths you want to believe. You can feel these thoughts in your heart as you plant them in your mind. As you repetitively feel them in your heart, they sink deeper into your muscles, where they become not just what you do but who you are.


Can you imagine in detail the life you desire to create? How does it feel? How does it look? As you are guided in this mental practice, you are able to experience in your imagination what can later be more easily created in your reality because the subconscious doesn't know the difference between an imagined experience and a real one.

With hypnotherapy, you can truly create the life you desire through the mental focus of creating thoughts, images, and emotions that will transform your world.

What Is Hypnotherapy and
​How Does It Work?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that taps into the subconscious mind to help you create the life you truly desire. Through the process of hypnotherapy, a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, the client can identify and transform the root causes of their challenges. The subconscious creates your reality with the invisible maps of what we believe, the emotions that get trapped in our bodies, and the default wiring inside the patterns that influence thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

The relaxed state of flow experienced during hypnotherapy allows the client to remain in complete control while quieting the chatter of the conscious mind. The client is then guided to have a conversation that allows them to discover answers inside themselves.

​At Kokoro Hypnotherapy, we understand that the mind holds the key to unlocking your true potential. Our approach is centered around supporting you to create the life you desire through the 4 R's pattern.

6 Deadly Issues

One "Kor" Solution

Our 'Kor' Guiding Community Values​​

As you will discover in the 5-Day Challenge, the gateway to our community, we strive to live what we teach by changing ourselves and lifting others because we believe that is how we can change the world.

Our three "Kor" Guiding Values are: Curiosity, Vulnerability, and Intuition. We apply these values in word and action (getting better every day) as follows: 

  • Our Emotionally Safe Environment: We create safe environments of learning for all to question, discuss, and share without criticism or belittlement. Those who are openly cynical, bully, or verbally abusive will be invited to leave. 
  • Universal Spiritual Language: With the intention to guide you to receive answers from inside you, our Vision is to UNITE those that believe in a Higher Power by the use of Universal metaphorical language (like "Darkness and Light") to allow you to put the context of your personal beliefs into each session.
  • Equality: As we create a community of safety, we strive to remove the need for intellectual superiority through the mindset of equality. We believe that no matter where you are on your journey (See the 3 Phases in the Phoenix Webinar) each of us has something we can contribute AND something we can learn from each other. 

Meet our Lead Hypnotherapist

Pennie M Wilson

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Hi! I am Pennie Wilson, a Life-Mastery Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist, CHT. I am the author of From Darkness to Light, and the co-founder of Kokoro Hypnotherapy.

Fifteen years ago, when my five kids were young, I had a huge desire to make a difference in the world! I felt deep inside me I was born to become more than what I saw in myself then. And yet, I felt so much confusion and doubt. My desire to help others comes from the deep pain I felt then.

It was in my garden that I learned to ask questions, listen to intuition, and get the guidance I needed to live my purpose and satisfy my longing to make a difference in the world. Now I can say that I know deep in my bones that the opposite of a victim is a creator.

Learn more about
Pennie M Wilson 

Author, Mother, & Queen of Transformation


Get The Answers You Need

If you have any questions, please reach out after you do your part to get them answered. 
Here are your options:

Questions on Hypnotherapy: The Phoenix Webinar walks through an overview of options on your Transformation Journey.

Our Website can also answer your deeper questions on hypnotherapy.

If you still have questions, please reach out by email to:

DLC Anxiety Q&A

If you were able to join our podcast  and have any additional questions, please drop in for a chat to help you get the answers you need.

Saturday | 11am MTN
April 27th 2024 


Discovery Videos


The Hero's Journey Podcast

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Discover the hero within as we explore the unique narratives that shape our lives. Whether you're aware of it or not, you are the protagonist of your own story. Join us on this podcast journey where we aim to empower those navigating their own Hero's Journey. Gain insights into the patterns of adventure, setbacks, and ultimate triumphs that define your personal narrative.

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Episode 1- The Dream Giver, Chapter 1
Have you ever wondered if your life has a purpose? Do you feel the call of Greatness? In this episode, Pennie reads a pattern of The Hero's Journey to help you see where you are.  Listen To More

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Episode 2- Pennie's Story
This is a "Tic-Toc spoof" of me interviewing myself to show an example for other creators who I will be interviewing in upcoming episodes of the Hero Journey's Podcast.  Listen To More

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Episode 3- Interview with author, JenniLyn Young
Homeschool mom, Author, and wife, JL Young shares her Hero's Journey of how she because the woman she is today!


All Our Products

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Life Coaching and 1:1 Hypnotherapy

Queen of Transformation

Our highest level of service offers you daily access to Life Coaching and Weekly sessions of 1:1 Private Hypnotherapy. 

You will get:

  • ​6 Weeks of Daily Access so you can get your questions answered quickly
  • 6 Weekly Sessions of Private 1:1 Hypnotherapy, so you can customize your transformation to exactly what matters to you
  • ​6 Weeks of Group Hypno, so you can connect with a community of powerful women just like you
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1:1 Private Hypnotherapy

Customized Transformation

Private hypnotherapy offers you the ability to access answers inside of you through guided conversations with your subconscious mind.  Through this powerful tool of transformation you will be able to uncover what your subconscious mind is trying to protect you from, connect with your Higher Self, and heal Your Inner Child. Removing the blocks inside of you will open you up to a new awareness and freedom that you might have thought was not possible. Your life will become like a blank slate where you have power to create the life you desire. 

You will get:

  • 6 Weekly Sessions of Private 1:1 Hypnotherapy, so you can customize your transformation to exactly what matters to you​​
  • ​6 Weeks of Group Hypno, so you can connect with a community of powerful women just like you
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GROUP HYPNO Monthly Subscription

Customized Group Sessions

Connect with a Community just like you. Each group is customized to the similarities that will help them support one another. Add a description here of what the product is, WHY it is so amazing, WHY they need it, and what they'll learn/discover from it.

Inside, we'll show you:

  •   Weekly sessions of Group Hypno, so you can connect with a community of powerful women just like you
  • Affordable so you can keep growing in your transformation because we're never done discovering our purpose
  • ​Community, so we can connect, share, and grow together on our path of transformation

My Trance-Formational BLOG

Perfectly Imperfect

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Getting started with your blog!

Friday, December 22, 2023

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Another example article

Friday, December 22, 2023

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